Money Management Checkup

Service overview

A Money Management Checkup is a diagnostic tool designed to provide a clear picture of your current financial organization, processes and habits. It identifies strengths, highlights areas for improvement, and provides actionable recommendations for improved money management. This service is ideal for individuals or families seeking clarity and control over their day-to-day finances.

How does it work? The Checkup begins with an initial consultation to clarify the project’s scope and your desired outcomes. Next, I gather information about your current financial organization, practices, tools and processes. After thorough review and analysis, I highlight opportunities for improvement while also recognizing effective practices and processes you already have in place.

The end result? You receive a report with personalized observations and recommendations to better manage and improve your daily money management activities. With this information in hand, you can either choose to implement the recommendations on your own, or request additional assistance for a more hands-on approach.

Why do this? You could benefit from a Money Management Checkup if managing financial tasks feels overwhelming, takes up too much of your time, or isn't something you enjoy or excel at. Maybe you’ve experienced missed payments or late fees, or want to ensure your financial processes are efficient and secure. Additionally, it helps you decide if working with a daily money manager is the right choice for your needs, providing peace of mind and freeing up your time.

What is the cost? The cost of a Money Management Checkup varies based on the complexity of your financial situation and the level of service you choose. After the initial consultation, I’ll provide a clear pricing structure tailored to your needs, ensuring you receive the most value for your investment.

Do you have the time and knowledge to implement best practices for yourself and your family? If not, how long are you willing to wait to gain the gift of time and peace of mind?

As a DMM, I make time to help!