People who are stressed out dealing with numbers and paperwork.

Today, we anticipate leading long healthy lives and want to savor our personal time, be it time spent with family, on leisure activities, on our favorite pastimes, or traveling. Paperwork busy-ness intrudes on that time, and may be a burden we don’t really want to handle or, frankly, aren’t particularly good at doing well. In our increasingly mobile society, many individuals also face life change: a new place to live, a new job or transformed financial circumstances. Then, especially so, we may find far too much tedious paperwork demanding our energies.

A daily money manager can provide financial care by taking over routine and sometimes complex financial matters, meeting important deadlines and managing the paperwork flow. By setting up a system (manual or automated) for paying bills and maintaining records, I help you gain peace of mind and personal freedom. That way you can spend that most precious resource, your time, in the ways you want.